Delivery Information

Delivery Costs For Online Orders

  1. Shipping is currently free on all orders over £20 and is £4.50 on orders below this value. Please note that the shipping cost does not count towards the £20.
  2. We currently do not ship outside the UK. 

Delivery Times for Online Orders

  1. Once payment has been processed we aim to ship all orders within two (2) working days of receipt. From despatch please allow around 2-3 working days for standard delivery.
  2. For international orders, delivery times will vary and we cannot guarantee a specific delivery timeline.
  3. Working days for us are Monday to Friday (not including UK Bank / Public Holidays).

Missing Orders

  1. Please contact us at straight away if your order does not arrive when it should. You should quote your order number and we will find out what happened to it and get it to you as quickly as we can. Unfortunately, we cannot replace orders where the delivery address has been entered incorrectly by the person placing the order.

Missing Items

  1. Please contact us at immediately if your order is missing any products. We’ll find out what happened to your order within three (3) working days and we’ll get them to you as soon as possible or give you the option of a full refund of the missing items.